
2931 Breezewood Avenue STE 200 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303

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Veteran DBQ Review

According to Veterans Administration, disability benefits questionnaires (DBQ) are required to collect necessary medical information to process veteran disability claims. DBQ forms can be used to submit medical evidence from civilian health care providers. This information helps to support your claims for disability benefits. Although the VA completes these evaluations at no cost to veterans, their ability to do so in a timely manner may be restricted due to the plethora of veteran claims. If you are in need of a DBQ for your Compensation and Pension examination, we may be able to help.

We specialize in completing psychological DBQ reviews for patients with a history of eating disorder, mental disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In order for us to complete your DBQ, you must present the following documents:

  • Military Medical Record
  • Current Medical Record
  • Any additional documentation to support psychological deficiencies

Alongside of providing the required documents you must also undergo a comprehensive clinical assessment as part of the DBQ review process. This allows the evaluator to gain a thorough report of your biopsychosocial history which is pertinent to your DBQ.

If you unsure about our ability to assist, feel free to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we may be able help!.

Thank you for your service!