
2931 Breezewood Avenue STE 200 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303

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Medication Management

Various psychiatric disorders require a bi-directional approach such as, medication integrated with psychotherapy or counseling for successful treatment outcomes. A prescribing medical provider can prescribe medication to assist with symptoms related to ADHD, anxiety, and/or depression. Medications are an integral part of this equation, as patients do not receive or tolerate all medications in the same manner. Therefore, it is important to monitor medications, their side effects and possible interactions with other medications.

When you first see our medical provider, they will review your record and conduct an initial psychiatric assessment, which includes an overview of your symptoms and taking your medical history. Thereafter, the provider will decide whether medication is an acceptable option for treating a particular mental health condition.

Based on this assessment, our medical provider will review your clinical diagnosis and create a medication regimen (treatment plan) based on your specific needs. The decision is ultimately made by the patient. If the decision is made to proceed with this option, our medical provider will discuss the different medications, possible side effects, and the correct dosage. Initially, the drug is prescribed for a trial period to observe and control its effectiveness; this is merely for “medical management”purposes. If the treatment meets the patient’s goals, the patient is advised to continue. However, different drugs affect brain chemistry in different ways, so not all will respond well to a certain prescription.

 It can cause side effects like insomnia, irritability, nausea and more. In such cases, a different drug is prescribed. Often it is a process of trial and error that should eventually lead to the right medication for the patient. In addition to medication, other treatments may be offered, such as counseling, life skills, and behavioral therapies. Our medical provider will carefully monitor these components to ensure the best combination for the patient’s mental health.

It is important to note that not all patients and all psychiatric issues require medication. However, there are many cases where prescription drugs are the best way to relieve a patient’s symptoms.

Medications can be an effective part of many mental health conditions, including:

  •  Anxiety
  •  Depression
  •  Bipolar disorder
  •  Panic
  •  Sleep disorders
  •  ADHD
  •  Schizophrenia
  •  Eating Disorders


Medication Management Requirement: All patients must under a comprehensive clinical assessment prior to their medication management appointment. This assessment provides the medical provider with an overview of the patient’s biopsychosocial history. After this appointment, if recommended by the therapist who completed the assessment, the patient will be scheduled for a psychiatric assessment with our medical provider at their request. We recommend that patients schedule ongoing medication management appointments to ensure medications do not expire and that they have adequate medication. Depending on the type of medication, some patients may be required to undergo frequent blood testing.