A substance use assessment, also known as a drug and alcohol assessment, evaluate whether a person’s alcohol and/or drug addiction is a problem. There are three categories of alcohol and drug use: social use, abuse, and addiction. Social use of alcohol and/or drugs is quite common among adults. Many individuals can use alcohol and/or drugs in moderation or occasionally. These individuals do not experience the negative effects of alcohol or drug use. Unfortunately, those who engage in excessive alcohol and drug use, often do. After a substance abuse assessment and identification of an alcohol and/or drug problem, the evaluator will render a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations that best meet the patient’s needs. Treatment recommendations are individualized and adapted to each patients unique history, current situation, strengths and current needs.
Our Substance Abuse Evaluation determines if the individual has a drug or alcohol addiction by assessing the range of substance use or addiction. Before conducting the evaluation, the therapist performs a substance use screening. This preliminary evaluation assists the therapist in determining if the usage behavior warrants a more in-depth look. This process aids in preventive and proactive care and support if usage is highlighted as a risk factor, thus assisting an individual before their substance use evolves into addiction.
Moreover, this is the first step in identifying the presence of drug or alcohol abuse. Additionally, this evaluation also explores co-occurring conditions, including any physical or mental health concerns, or polydrug use. Furthermore, this evaluation examines the extent to which substance use affects the individual’s life. Within appropriate consent, this evaluation also allows review of legal, mental health/medical/substance use history and interviewing of “collateral contacts”. “Collateral contacts” can be practically anyone, such as daycare, family friends, employers, therapists.
What To Expect: Our substance abuse evaluations are conducted in three parts, (1) testing and evaluation, (2) clinical interview and (3) urinalysis. The testing and evaluation are scheduled in sessions according to test. Thus, test sessions may range from 30 minutes to two hours. The duration of the test is dependent on the participation of the individual and test time requirements. Due to the extensiveness of each test, substance use tests are often scheduled on different days. The patient must both complete testing and evaluation prior to the clinical interview. The urinalysis is conducting randomly. After the three parts of the evaluation is complete, it takes roughly three (2) months for the report to be transcribed and compiled. In some instances, it may take six (3) months. This is determined by reports in waiting.